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Logo Proposals

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We are taking proposals for an OpenKinect community logo.


  • Entries must be you original work and not infringe on anyone's trademarks
  • Entries must be in PNG format.
  • You may submit multiple proposals.
  • Each proposal may include more than image. At least one image must be have a width of 200 pixels and a height of between 100 and 150 pixels. Higher resolutions are encouraged.
  • Per policy, final logo decision is up to project lead

Unless otherwise agreed, proposals will be open until 11/21/2010 at 5:00pm UTC, at which point Josh Blake we will have a vote on the mailing list.

Logo proposals

If you have created a logo you want to submit, add it below using the template shown.

 === Yourname's logo #1 ===
 Add an image to your logo here


Joe Lackner's concepts

Here are a few ideas - trying to reflect openess, IR grid arrays and dual cameras.

Scott Byrns's concept

Mungewell's concept

SVG source available if adjustment is desired, for the font/etc.

Graham Wiebe's concept

SVG or other vector formats available upon request. optimized for greyscale.

Cyril's concept

Someone playing in front of a kinect with letters o and k.

Ken Moore's concept

High quality typography and layout (says "we're serious") with distinctive visual of the Kinect hardware.

Version 1 - stacked layout is more legible in narrow placements

Version 2 - horizontal layout has nice visual balance, but needs more width for legibility

Jonathan Hall's concept

Unfortunately, use of the "Kinect" name will likely be seen as trademark infringement. Microsoft registered "Kinect" as a word mark (meaning: a claim to use of the word itself, independent of how it appears) on goods and services related to "computer software, computer hardware, and computer peripherals." (See the USPTO registration dated 10/29/2009: )

Tedious as it may be, we should consider alternatives. I propose an obvious adjustment--"OpenKinetic"--but there may well be better options out there. Below is my concept rendering both "OpenKinect" and "OpenKinetic" with simple typography, horizontal two-color layout, and a bug: