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Talk:Getting Started

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Revision as of 20:51, 28 March 2011 by Catskul (talk | contribs)
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I'm not sure about building for Ubuntu Linux. I was only successful by installing freeglut3 and then I had to use the -lglu flag after make. Is there a better way? As in:

$ sudo apt-get freeglut3
$ make -lglu

Is there any need to modify the instructions? --Tom 11:42, 19 November 2010 (CET)

I added the necessary packages in the Instructions. This should work out of the box --SteveClement 12:02, 8 December 2010 (CET)

for the instructions not to use sudo I created the file but still received this error if I don't use sudo to run libusb couldn't open USB device /dev/bus/usb/001/005: Permission denied. libusb requires write access to USB device nodes. Could not open device

If you added the your user to video and created the udev ruleset all should be fine. Do not forget to reboot! --SteveClement 12:02, 8 December 2010 (CET)

Anyone know why this isn't in the default install script/the deb-packages? Catskul 22:51, 28 March 2011 (CEST)

I also needed to install the following packages, because of GLUT_Xi_LIBRARY and GLUT_Xmu_LIBRARY:

 * libxine1
 * libxine1-dev
 * libxmu
 * libxmuu-dev
 * libxmuu-headers
 * libxi6
 * libxi-dev

Well libxine is not used, so you should be able to use it without that dependencies. Of course if your OS's xmi/xi libraries depend on xine that's why it got pulled in! --SteveClement 12:02, 8 December 2010 (CET)

In case you get a library not found message, make sure your ldconfig cache is up to date:

$ ldconfig -p |grep freenect (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/lib64/ (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/lib64/ (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/lib64/ (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/lib64/

If you do not see the freenect stuff do:

$ sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib64/

for non 64-bit installs:

$ sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib/

Need Some Help Please

Ok my names Justin and I have a Linux Mint KDE laptop and would like fr my kinect to work with it. i have no idea what I need to do so far, If anyone can give me some simple instructions as what to do that would be great. just send them to my Email I am a computer major so Im not a complete noob or idiot. Thanks Guys